Delphi Developer's Guide to XML
Chapter 17 - Web Modules

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As a plain text file, XML documents can be easily sent over the Internet, just like HTML files. In fact, you can generate them the same way from Delphi, using a Web application and page producer components.

CGIXML.dpr   A CGI application to deliver a movie-watcher document over the Internet
   The Web module for generating the document
RecPageProd.pas   A page producer component (TRecordPageProducer) that generates its snippet for each record in a table or query
WebXMLDn.dpk   Delphi n package project for the above component
   Delphi n compiled packages for the above component
CGIXML2.dpr   A CGI application to deliver a movie-watcher document over the Internet using the TRecordPageProducer component
   The Web module for generating the document
movie-watcher-cgi.dtd   The DTD for the generated documents
movie-watcher-cgi.xsl   The stylesheet for the generated documents

This example requires the "movie-watcher" BDE alias for the tables from Chapter 15.

To deploy the application under IIS, copy the executables to the scripts directory. Also copy the DTD and XSL files there, and modify the server to let them be read.

Zipped Files

Delphi Developer's Guide to XML © 2003, Keith Wood Previous   Next   Listings